But it is a good tired. See along with my oldest moving back in , I kinda had to create more cabinet space since we are cooking for more. Which is fine, I do have a pantry. Unfortunately it was clogged with stuff I am going to ebay,items I got on sale post holidays, and hurricane supplies. I did my best!!!! You have to understand my house.
The nice man we bought it from owns a wonderful construction and renovation company in Charleston. This was the first home he had ever bought himself and there are wonderful touches here and there, including a garage that is 1/4 storage and the rest an apt. I will post pictures later.
There was one thing he neglected. Kitchen counter space and new wiring.
As for the wiring I tried to find a clip of Green Acres. Where you cannot plug a 5 and 7 in at the same time. You remember. I know I do. So don't lie. I will know. And shoot flames of fire just like my toaster will do if you use the microwave and toaster at the same time. Do not dare use a hairdryer. Oh the inhumanity that will follow. It usually involves a lot of foul words and my tripping over the CAT FROM HELL.
As for the kitchen counters. Let me say you could buy a small country for what my vintage steel 1952 MINT cabinets are worth. Alas only the bottom cabinets ans porcelain sink survived.
The only issue is that I do not have enough counter space for my appliances and doodads and my cooking.
Now I am of the mind that you can never have enough small kitchen appliances. Yes, I am that easy. A cuisinart or kitchenaid attachment can get more out of me in the bedroom than diamonds or furs. ( THANK you Nana for taking care of me in the fur,diamond and pearl department. Now only if you could remember who I am). Yes people I get BENDY for things that help me create my culinary masterpieces. I won't tell you what I did for the new blower. It is still illegal in most states.
So anyway my kitchen is kinda crammed. But I sorta went through stuff. At first looking at each item and finding a proper place for it......I worked well into the evening. I should not have had those vodka tonics and cough syrup. I think the rest of the stuff is bound for the dump.
It's ok Nana, Bill hid the good stuff.
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