I of course, am recollecting back to that first night with Haley when I was all hormonal. Nobody told me...or I did not listen...to the fact that there would be pain AFTER. WTF?? I had just pushed this 9 lb 7 oz, 24 inch long bundle of absolute perfection out of my vertical smile. The pain should be DONE. But no.......however they eventually brought me good drugs and after I fought with a nurse ( this was the early days of rooming in and a few nurses were not hip to the concept) I settled down with my baby girl for a good cry. Her dad was off getting me real food.
I, at the time did not have the best relationship with my mother. I was a daddy's girl. My mother was also a change of life baby that was 20 years younger than her youngest brother. There was a whole different vibe when she was growing up. I think I disappointed her with my independence at the time. I also think she was a tad jealous. It is funny though how now she is one of my favorite people . Our bond has grown as we have aged and I actually want to be around my parents. Those two are tons of blog posts in themselves. I will give you one hint. Diabeetus.
The past 21 years have not been all unicorns and rainbows. Cuz, garsh, she was another version of me. And there were times that my illness just did not let me be the best of moms. But we made it. And she has made it. She is an awesome mommy to my grandkids. Maddie actually CHOSE to go with her home instead of staying with Namma and Poppop. The nerve of the kid.

( Haley, my oldest and Maddie, my GRAND)
So Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I hope all your wishes come true.
Awww...see, I knew you had a soft, sweet side! I just KNEW it! ;)