Friday, May 6, 2011

As I told Vicki

I am a bad friend and blogger.
But let me give you an idea of what I am up against.

And before you read this, I was tired and half tipsy. Punctuation and spelling is atrocious.
  • my nana fell. It's was not so bad. She is tough at 89. But now she wants to give up.
  • I live in a swamp. In south carolina. We do not even get a neat accent/language like the bayou.
  • work is busy. they are actually making me work.
  • there has been some other mess.
  • oh and we are trying to bring our cool ass 1940's post war home up to code.
Case in point, remember Green Acres? Don't plug a 5 and a 7 in at the same time? Yeah...
Do not use the microwave while the dryer is going. Mama loses internet because the fuses blow and Mama gets mad.

But I am back. Documenting why think I need a reality show. Seriously. The great thing about my family is they keep me in stitches. And booze.

This actually brings me to this. Please follow my convoluted thinking, my husband is in the kitchen singin Englebert Humpmydick. I should wonder?

I have a set of friends that I play this cute little pet game online with. And then I have these friends that are Death Hags. Let me Explain.
We know and will wager on the latest celebrity death. We seem to embrace all there is about death. Before you go "Oh you sick bitch" Let me splain.

See, we are more interested in how humans react to death. I can tell you what that Lamb symbols means on a Gravestone. It's who I am. And not because I am odd and twisted. Although I am, but it is not relevant. It is because I have had a sense of history taught to me since I toddled. YOU grow up in the 70's and 80's in Savannah GA and NOT take a trip to a graveyard or Massie School. So blame Sarah Parsons. And my parents.( they HAVE to be blamed)
These are also the people that understand why I tramp through graveyards and take pictures. And understand why I have actually sold some of these prints.

There is a lot to be learned from how the past generations dealt with death. The customs and symbols. I could and have written entire papers on this.

Here is my thing. These friends are starting to selectively merge. One notices one's humor and friends them. And then I realize that I draw to me people who are like me. Death becomes irrelevant.

And Death begats a new look on life. Kinda neat. I think it is.


  1. Allison is young and a hottie. Mandy always has impeccable hair and nails.Ole moodswings up there is a gawgjaws dame. I am jellus of her.
    You are are an older hottie. Who uses her pen a lot better than I do.
    Would this mean one giant superfriend??

  2. Well thank you both!
