Apparently it is. How does a week go so fast. I guess since I was smacked upside the head with a return to this blog I will keep going. However due to the fact that someone has decided that everything I say and do in life is to destroy her , I am going to move it. Really quite sad. I real,ly feel for her. Reality is not her friend.
"However due to the fact that someone has decided that everything I say and do in life is to destroy her " Hilarious! when it's you and your friends who stalk and troll my Facebook and Twitter to learn every tidbit about me. your the ones obsessed with me! Not me. most of your tribe are nameless, faceless cowards with 0% credibility who Bully me for no good reason other than "because we can" None of you will let anything go ever! I want to left alone but you refuse. I know you and James Zeruk have nothng in Common but you couldn't wait to friend him after he and I had our creative parting. You can never let anything GO! You want me to fade in the oblivion, leave me alone, stop trolling my Facebook and Twitter just act as if I don't exist and soon I won't to you and you won't with me.