Sunday, October 3, 2010

OMG I missed a day. So this is yesterday's NUMBER DOS!

I am in the middle of bleeding to death ( the Doctor's say I am not, I beg to differ, All I have to say is if they ever suspect me of murder and do that luminol trick in my bathroom, I am screwed)

Now that you know more about me than you ever wanted...Here is the make up post.
In all it's wonderful glory.

It may seem like cheating because I am posting more links than substance but I am actually sharing some of my own PRECIOUS Artsy Fartsy Photography with you. I am also posting in between letting the floors dry.

I am a ......THANATOPHILE ( without the icky sexual part) I swear wiki slays me sometimes...
I love to tromp through Cemeteries and old Graveyards ( there is a difference) I am also a lifelong student of the Art and Symbolism we humans put into death.
Now please do not think this is creepy, I do not collect this mess to satisfy weird urges.
We are all to some degree preoccupied with Death. Face it, it is the EndGame and because people have so many questions about it, have since Life began, there is a fascination with it. I could go on but there are a lot of more scholarly people who have written entire volumes on this that I will not. I will say that I know when I die, I will meet Jesus so my fascination tends to be on how the generations have unknowingly written their history while observing the current customs of death. There are a lot of like minded friends I have made online -mostly at the Forum That Shall Not Be Named.

I take pictures of Tombstones. Some I have sold.
From sheldon2

I have even gotten my now 12 year old into romping around Cemeteries with me. I.Am. That.Good.

From sheldon2

Now that the weather has cooled off and I have 2 new spiffy cameras to play with -a 35 mm SLR given to me by my Dad which will is almost as cool as the fact that I also own his first 35mm evah. I also have a new mini digi that I am trying out . Thank you Office Depot...-there will be more romps and new pics. YAY!

Enough about me and my blabber, now to learn ya.

I have compiled some links n stuff to help get you up to speed on this stuff. I will be posting more throughout the month. Stay tuned. Some of these links will end up over there->>>> in my linkatorium.


Roman Death Scultpures

the Thanatos Archive WARNING there are dead people here. Nicely dressed, some you cannot tell are dead , dead people but still. This archive is mostly pay, but hosts most of the well know photos out there. I will do another post on this but for the unlearned...most Victorians did NOT have Kodak Easyshares, the only time in life there would be a pic for most was maybe a wedding photo. It became the in thing to do in a time of high infant/child mortality to take a picture. I it was probably the only image they would ever have. Also remember it did not seem quite as creepy to them. They laid out their dead in the front parlor and had a much more common sense attitude toward death than we do now.

Tombstone Rubbings. How To.
Note: this practice is banned in many places. It can be harmful to the stone.

One of our rubbings. ( do as I say, not as I do kids)

From rubbings
Weird But True Strange Unusual Tombstones Just a few, I'll post more in the coming days.

I will put up the 3rd countdown post later today.

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