Wednesday, October 13, 2010

While the whole world watches....

The Chilean Miner live stream video from Foxnews has been open on my laptop since about 8 last night. It would have been earlier but I was nestled in the arms of Morpheus, dreaming of Sprinkled Donuts. I watched it until the wee hours of the morning, but then I only slept for about 2 hours. I woke up coughing up a lung. For all I know , Bill is in there snuggled up to it like it was my pillow.
I got up, checked other news, read some blogs, then decided to get some work done. See how well that is working out? I did make some yummy coffee though!

Is it not awesome that these men will be reunited with their familes? It seems to me that the rescue efforts are progressing quite rapidly. I did notice that they had to do some minor repairs but it was done quickly. Now I do not know how much you know about this rescue effort, but if you don't know anything , well you suck. Get off my blog. I thought it was uber cool though that NASA helped out. They collaborated with the Chilean Navy to make the capsule. I wanna buy em all a beer. Sailor's get grabby though, so I will have to send someone in my place.( I married a sailor, an american one, I know how grabby they get) Of course, I am also broke so maybe this is a bad idea. Oh well. It is the thought that counts, right?

As the sun rises they are showing more static shots of the camp and surrounding area. The feed seemed to switch last night from above to below ground. Which was fine until the screen was filled with hairy miner butt. Yeah , that was not a pleasant sight. That occurrence makes the sunrise all the more welcome because the video can vary a bit more. I do know, though, that the sun is problematic for the minors as they have essentially been mole people. Those that come up during daylight are having to wear superstrong sunglasses. They all seem to be in good shape otherwise though. So, YAY!

A Mine Doctor is giving a statement now, sounds like everyone is checking out ok so far. I am sitting here trying not to look at the stack of work I have and feeling the slight pull of my mind-monster ( my nickname at times for my bi-polar) and then I want to kick myself. I have not been trapped in a tunnel for 70 days, and while these guys have a lot to be thankful for, so do I.

I guess my point is, this situtation, like so many , could have turned out so much worse. There but for the Grace of God. I am so thankful that these families can be reunited. There have been some comments and articles in the media that they will face issues other than just physical health. There is the issue of being in the spotlight. Kind of not-so-instant celebrities. Of course there will be some cash coming their way, probably for quite a few of them. I think we need to remember that their ordeal is not over yet and continue to Pray for them and their families.

I will be be back later biatches! With COUNTDOWN POSTS!

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